Online Coding Bootcamp

Dive into interactive online classes designed to equip you with essential skills for a successful career in IT​

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Frontend Developer

Become proficient in one of the most sought-after roles in web development with our comprehensive Frontend Developer course. Whether you're just start...

Full Stack Developer

Master one of the most in-demand roles in software development with our comprehensive Full Stack Developer course. Whether you're a novice or looking ...

Java Developer

Become proficient in one of the most widely used programming languages in the world with our comprehensive Java Developer course. Whether you're a com...

Python Developer

Master one of the most popular programming languages worldwide with our intensive Python Developer course. Whether you're a beginner or aiming to enha...

QA Engineer

Become proficient in one of the most sought-after roles in software testing with our comprehensive QA Engineer course. Whether you're just starting ou...

Our Expert Instructors

They understand the journey of starting in IT from scratch. Through dedication and effort, they acquired the skills necessary to secure remarkable positions in the industry. Now, they're here to support you in achieving the same success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common queries about our courses and programs

What is exactly bootcamp?

A bootcamp is an intensive training program designed to quickly teach specific skills or knowledge in a focused area. In our bootcamp, you'll receive hands-on instruction and practical experience to equip you with the necessary skills for entry-level IT jobs. By participating in our bootcamp, you'll be prepared for the job market faster than you might expect. You'll learn everything you need to know to apply for entry-level IT positions and kickstart your career in the tech industry.

Can I apply if I'm over 50?

Absolutely! We welcome applicants of all ages, including those over 50. Your experience and perspective would be a valuable addition to our program!

What if I decide to leave after the bootcamp begins?

We recognize that situations may change, and you might need to exit the bootcamp. Hence, we provide a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're unsatisfied within the initial month, you can depart and receive a complete refund. Nevertheless, we urge students to give the program a fair opportunity, as we're confident it offers valuable knowledge and skills for your career.

Is it possible for me to take an IT course while working full-time?

Sure thing! With a week totaling 168 hours and your full-time job occupying just 40 of them, there's a lot of time left for you to pursue an IT course. Remember, many have achieved great things by making the most of their time. You can too!

Can I participate in the bootcamps from any country?

Our bootcamps take place entirely online, meaning that you can participate in the program from anywhere with an internet connection.

What is the criteria for admission?

Students must be over 16 years of age(that's when you can start working, with your parents' permission). All applicants should complete at least 4 days of their week by studying. These programs are offered in the English language only.

How do you assist graduates in job finding?

Our coordinators help you make a good resume, cover letter, and social media profiles that impress employers. They also help you practice for interviews and they share their experiences to find jobs faster.

I have zero experience in tech, can I apply?

Majority of Codinax students, begin without any prior experience in tech. However, our courses comprehensively cover even the most basic subjects, and our team remains readily available to offer support whenever needed!

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